横浜市立大学大学院 医学研究科 幹細胞免疫制御内科学血液・リウマチ・感染症内科





原著論文: 症例報告を含む

  1. Abe K, Chiba Y, Katsuse O, Takahashi Y, Suda A, Hattori S, Ryusuke Yoshimi, Kirino Y, Kunii M, Yoshimi A, Asami T, Hishimoto A. Exploratory investigation on antibodies to GluN1 and cognitive dysfunction in patients with chronic autoimmune psychosis, Neuroscience Lett, 743, 2020.
  2. Asano S, Mikami T, Matsubara S, Maegawa J, Wakui H, Tamura K, Yoshimi R: Preliminary report: the relevance of tumor necrosis factor-α in acquired primary lymphedema — a histopathological investigation. Lymphat Res Biol. 18(3): 232-238, 2020.
  3. Furukawa. H, Oka. S, Kawasaki. A, Hidaka. M, Shimada. K, Kondo. Y, Ihata. A, Matsushita. T, Matsumoto. T, Hashimoto. A, Matsumoto. I, Komiya. A, Kobayashi. K, Osada. A, Katayama. M, Okamoto. A, Setoguchi. K, Kono. H, Hamaguchi. Y, Matsui. T, Fukui. N, Tamura. H, Takehara. K, Nagaoka. S, Sugii. S, Sumida. T, Tsuchiya. N, & Tohma. S: Human leukocyte antigen in Japanese patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy. Modern Rheumatology 2020,30,696-702.
  4. Gono T, Masui K, Nishina N, Kawaguchi Y, Kawakami A, Ikeda K, Kirino Y, Sugiyama Y, Tanino Y, Nunokawa T, Kaneko Y, Sato S, Asakawa K, Ukichi T, Kaieda S, Naniwa T, Okano Y, Kuwana M; A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort of Japanese Patients with Myositis-associated ILD (JAMI) investigators. Risk prediction modeling based on a combination of initial serum biomarkers in myositis-associated interstitial lung disease. Arthritis Rheumatol, 2020, e- pub.
  5. Hirahara L, Kirino Y, Soejima Y, Takeno M, Takase-Minegishi K, Yoshimi R, Takeuchi M, Mizuki N, Nakajima H. Efficacy and safety of apremilast for 3 months in Behçet’s disease: A prospective observational study. Mod Rheumatol. 2020 Oct 16:1-6.
  6. Kunishita. Y, Yoshimi. R, Kamiyama. R, Kishimoto. D, Yoshida. K, Hashimoto. E, Komiya. T, Sakurai. N, Sugiyama. Y, Kirino. Y, Ozato. K, Nakajima. H :TRIM21 Dysfunction Enhances Aberrant B-Cell Differentiation in Autoimmune Pathogenesis. Frontiers in Immunology, 11(98):2020.
  7. Maruyama A, Kokuzawa A, Yamauchi Y, Kirino Y, Nagai H, Inoue Y, Ota T, Chifu Y, Inokuchi S, Koarada S, Ohta A, Iwamoto M, Tada Y. Clinical features of elderly-onset Adult-onset Still’s disease. Mod Rheumatol. 2020 Oct 13:1-7.
  8. Mizuki Y, Horita N, Horie Y, Takeuchi M, Ishido T, Mizuki R, Kawagoe T, Shibuya E, Yuda K, Ishido M, Minegishi K, Yoshimi R, Kirino Y, Kato S, Arimoto J, Fukumoto T, Kurosawa M, Kitaichi N, Takeno M, Kaneko T, Mizuki N. The influence of HLA-B51 on clinical manifestations among Japanese patients with Behçet’s disease: a nationwide survey. Mod Rheumatol. 2020, 30(4):708-714.
  9. Mitsuhashi M, Yoshimi R, Kishimoto D, Hidekawa C, Iizuka Y, Sakurai N, Kamiyama R, Kirino Y, Mizuki N, Nakajima H: Refractory optic perineuritis related to granulomatosis with polyangiitis treated with intensive immunosuppressive therapy combined with plasma exchange. Mod Rheumatol Case Rep, 4(1): 84-89, 2020.
  10. Nagaoka S, Katayama K, Kasama T, Sato M, Ohno S, Amasaki Y, Kataoka H, Furusaki A, Kon Y, Okamoto M, Sasano M, Sagawa A: Weekly split-dose regimen for oral methotrexate reduced polyglutamation in red blood cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared with single-dose regimen: Results from a multicentered randomized control trial. Int J Rheum Dis. 23(10):1328-1336, 2020.
  11. Sugiyama Y, Yoshimi R, Takeno M, Kunishita Y, Kishimoto D, Kamiyama R, Kirino Y, Ohno S, Nakajima H: miR-1 is a novel biomarker for polymyositis/dermatomyositis-associated interstitial lung disease. Mod Rheumatol, 30(5): 878-883, 2020.
  12. Tanaka. Y, Oba. K, Koike. T, Miyasaka. N, Mimori. T, Takeuchi. T, Hirata. S, Tanaka. E, Yasuoka. H, Kaneko. Y, Murakami. K, Koga. T, Nakano. K, Amano. K, Ushio. K, Atsumi. T, Inoo. M, Hatta. K, Mizuki. S, Nagaoka. S, Tsunoda. S, Dobashi. H, Horie. N, Sato. N : Sustained discontinuation of infliximab with a raising- dose strategy after obtaining remission in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: the RRRR study, a randomised controlled trial. Ann Rheum Dis 2020;79 :94–102.
  13. Yamashita. K, Kawasaki. A, Matsushita. T, Furukawa. H, Kondo. Y, Okiyama. N, Nagaoka. S, Shimada. K, Sugii. S, Katayama. M, Hirohata. S, Okamoto. A, Chiba. N, Suematsu. E, Setoguchi. K, Migita. K, Sumida. T, Tohma. S, Hamaguchi. Y, Hasagawa. M, Sato. S, Kawaguchi. Y, Takehara. K, & Tsuchiya. N : Association of functional(GA)n microsatellite polymorphism in the FLI1 gene with susceptibility to human systemic screrosis. Rheumatology 2020, 59(11),3553-3562.
  14. 岸本勇将,安藤匡人,鈴木拓也,福田優理子,内山友輔,國保敏晴,浅見由希子,戸谷義幸,田村功一:胆管炎を合併したANCA関連血管炎の1例.透析会誌,53(6):339-344,2020.


  1. 桐野洋平.ベーチェット病. 日本医師会雑誌特別号,149(2):12, 2020.
  2. 國下洋輔,吉見竜介:インターフェロンシグネチャーを標的とした全身性エリテマトーデスの疾患活動性モニタリングと治療戦略. リウマチ科,64(1):92-98, 2020.
  3. 竹内正樹,桐野洋平:すべて見せます! 患者説明・同意書マニュアル ぶどう膜炎 インフリキシマブ(レミケード). 臨床眼科,74(11):161-163,2020.
  4. 平原理紗,桐野洋平:リウマチ性疾患治療薬の最新の知見 ベーチェット病に対するPDE4阻害薬アプレミラスト. リウマチ科, 64(6):665-671,2020.
  5. 平原理紗,桐野洋平:炎症性病態におけるIL-23/IL-17とその阻害薬の基礎と臨床 ベーチェット病におけるIL-23/IL-17とその阻害薬.リウマチ科 63(6):655-660.2020.
  6. 平原理紗,桐野 洋平:リウマチ性疾患の診断・疾患活動性評価のバイオマーカー ベーチェット病. リウマチ科, 63(1):45-52,2020.
  7. 峯岸 薫, 峯岸 慎太郎, 北田 研人:元素イメージング Na-MRI.腎臓内科,11(2):168-173,2020.


  1. 桐野洋平. 好酸球性筋膜炎. 今日の治療指針2020, 医学書院, 2020年1月.

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