横浜市立大学大学院 医学研究科 幹細胞免疫制御内科学血液・リウマチ・感染症内科





原著論文: 症例報告を含む

  1. Abe K, Ishikawa Y, Kita Y, Yajima N, Inoue E, Sada K, Miyawaki Y, Yoshimi R, Shimojima Y, Ohno S, Kajiyama H, Ichinose K, Sato S, Fujiwara M: Association of low-dose glucocorticoid use and infection occurrence in systemic lupus erythematosus patients: a prospective cohort study. Arthritis Research & Therapy, 24: 179, 2022.
  2. Hayashi K, Sada K, Asano Y, Katayama Y, Ohashi K, Morishita M, Miyawaki Y, Watanabe H, Katsuyama T, Narazaki M, Matsumoto Y, Yajima N, Yoshimi R, Shimojima Y, Ohno S, Kajiyama H, Ichinose K, Sato S, Fujiwara M, Wada J: Real-world data on vitamin D supplementation and its impacts in systemic lupus erythematosus: Cross-sectional analysis of a lupus registry of nationwide institutions (LUNA). PLoS One, 17: e0270569, 2022.
  3. Hidekawa C, Yoshimi R, Kishimoto D, Kato H, Mitsuhashi M, Sakurai N, Sato Y, Uehara T, Iizuka Y, Komiya T, Hamada N, Nagai H, Soejima Y, Kamiyama R, Takase-Minegishi K, Kirino Y, Sakagami T, Nakajima H: Anti-interferon-γ antibody-seropositive disseminated nontuberculous mycobacterial infection mimicking POEMS and TAFRO syndromes: a case report. Internal Medicine, 61: 2377-2385, 2022.
  4. Higashitani K, Yoshimi R, Sato Y, Watanabe T, Ihata A: Rituximab and mepolizumab combination therapy for glucocorticoid-resistant myocarditis related to eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Modern Rheumatology Case Reports, 6: 87-92, 2022.
  5. Higashitani K, Takase-Minegishi K, Yoshimi R, Kirino Y, Hamada N, Nagai H, Hagihara M, Matsumoto K, Namkoong H, Horita N, Nakajima H: Benefits and risks of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for systemic sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Modern Rheumatology, 2022. (In press)
  6. Hirahara L, Takase-Minegishi K, Kirino Y, Iizuka-Iribe Y, Soejima Y, Yoshimi R, Nakajima H: The roles of monocytes and macrophages in Behçet’s disease with focus on M1 and M2 polarization. Frontiers in Immunology, 13: 852297, 2022.
  7. Iizuka Y, Takase-Minegishi K, Hirahara L, Kirino Y, Soejima Y, Namkoong H, Horita N, Yoshimi R, Takeuchi M, Takeno M, Mizuki N, Nakajima H: Beneficial effects of apremilast on genital ulcers, skin lesions, and arthritis in patients with Behçet’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Modern Rheumatology, 32: 1153-1162, 2022.
  8. Itagane M, Teruya H, Kato T, Tsuchida N, Maeda A, Uchiyama Y, Kirino Y, Matsumoto N, Kinjo M. VEXAS syndrome presenting as treatment-refractory polyarteritis nodosa. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 74(11): 1863-1864, 2022.
  9. Koga T, Sato S, Hagimori N, Yamamoto H, Ishimura M, Yasumi T, Kirino Y, Ikeda K, Yachie A, Migita K, Kishida D, Atsumi T, Kawakami A. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III trial on the efficacy and safety of tocilizumab in patients with familial Mediterranean fever. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 40(8):1535-1542, 2022.
  10. Kunishita Y, Kirino Y, Tsuchida N, Maeda A, Sato Y, Takase-Minegishi K, Yoshimi R, Nakajima H: Case report: Tocilizumab treatment for VEXAS syndrome with relapsing polychondritis: A single-center, 1-year longitudinal observational study in Japan. Frontiers in Immunology, 13: 901063, 2022.
  11. Maeda A, Takase-Minegishi K, Kirino Y, Hamada N, Kunishita Y, Yoshimi R, Meguro A, Namkoong H, Horita N, Nakajima H: YCU irAE working group. Immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced arthralgia is tightly associated with improved overall survival in cancer patients. Rheumatology (Oxford). keac519, 2022.
  12. Matsubara A, Tsuchida N, Sakurai M, Maeda A, Uchiyama Y, Sasaki K, Haji Y, Kirino Y, Matsumoto N, Morita A: A case of VEXAS syndrome with Sweet’s disease and pulmonary involvement. the Journal of Dermatology, 49(5): e177-e178, 2022.
  13. Matsumoto H, Fujita Y, Fukatsu M, Ikezoe T, Yokose K, Asano T, Tsuchida N, Maeda A, Yoshida S, Hashimoto H, Temmoku J, Matsuoka N, Yashiro-Furuya M, Sato S, Murakami M, Sato H, Sakuma C, Kawashima K, Shakespear N, Uchiyama Y, Watanabe H, Kirino Y, Matsumoto N, Migita K: Case Report: Coexistence of Multiple Myeloma and Auricular Chondritis in VEXAS Syndrome. Frontiers in Immunology, 13: 897722, 2022.
  14. Matsumoto H, Asano T, Tsuchida N, Maeda A, Yoshida S, Yokose K, Fujita Y, Temmoku J, Matsuoka N, Yashiro-Furuya M, Sato S, Irie K, Norikawa N, Yamamoto T, Endo M, Fukuchi K, Ohkawara H, Ikezoe T, Uchiyama Y, Kirino Y, Matsumoto N, Watanabe H, Migita K: Behçet’s disease with a somatic UBA1 variant: Expanding spectrum of autoinflammatory phenotypes of VEXAS syndrome. Clinical Immunology, 238:108996, 2022.
  15. Nagano A, Takeuchi M, Horita N, Teshigawara T, Kawagoe T, Mizuki Y, Meguro A, Nakano H, Kirino Y, Takase-Minegishi K, Yoshimi R, Kurosawa M, Fukumoto T, Takeno M, Kaneko T, Mizuki N: Behçet’s disease and activities of daily living. Rheumatology (Oxford), 61: 1133-1140, 2022.
  16. Oka S, Higuchi T, Furukawa H, Shimada K, Hashimoto A, Komiya A, Matsui T, Fukui N, Suematsu E, Ohno S, Kono H, Katayama M, Nagaoka S, Migita K, Tohma S: Predisposition of HLA-DRB1*04:01/*15 heterozygous genotypes to Japanese mixed connective tissue disease. Sci Rep, 12(1):9916, 2022.
  17. Sada K, Katayama Y, Asano Y, Hayashi K, Miyawaki Y, Ohashi K, Katsuyama E, Katsuyama T, Takano-Narazaki M, Matsumoto Y, Yoshimi R, Shimojima Y, Ohno S, Kajiyama H, Ichinose K, Sato S, Fujiwara M, Yajima N: Association of one-point glucocorticoid-free status with chronic damage and disease duration in systemic lupus erythematosus: a cross-sectional study. Lupus Science & Medicine, 9: e000772, 2022.
  18. Uchino K, Kanasugi J, Enomoto M, Kitamura F, Tsuchida N, Uchiyama Y, Maeda A, Kirino Y, Matsumoto N, Takami A. VEXAS syndrome. International Journal of Hematology, 116(4):463-464, 2022.
  19. Yamaguchi H, Kobayashi D, Nakamura G, Aida R, Horii Y, Okamoto T, Murakami S, Kondo D, Tsuchida N, Uchiyama Y, Maeda A, Kirino Y, Matsumoto N, Kurosawa Y, Hasegawa E, Wakamatsu A, Narita I: Acute heart failure due to left common iliac arteriovenous fistula: A case of VEXAS syndrome. Modern Rheumatology Case Reports, 2022.
  20. 市川健斗, 麹谷典子, 三橋正季, 杉山裕美子, 國下洋輔, 五十嵐俊久, 長岡章平: 肺高血圧症を合併した重複症候群の一例. 共済医報, 71(1):98, 2022.
  21. 入部康弘, 伊藤悠亮, 片岡俊朗, 江中牧子, 山中正二, 萩原真紀, 桐野洋平, 佐々木卓, 石橋裕香里, 村岡研太郎, 蓮見壽史, 林成彦, 近藤慶一, 中井川昇, 槙山和秀: IgG4関連腎臓病を背景とするindolent B細胞リンパ腫疑いの1例. 泌尿器外科, 35(4): 349-352, 2022.
  22. 永井秀人, 桐野洋平: 成人発症Still 病の既存知見とGasdermin D を主とした新規機序の展開. JSIAD Journal, 1: 49-55, 2022.
  23. 本多主税, 峯岸薫, 水野広輝, 佐藤雄一郎, 吉見竜介, 東谷佳奈, 永井秀人, 濱田直樹, 桐野洋平, 中島秀明: 大動脈周囲炎と間質性肺炎を合併したIgG4陰性自己免疫性膵炎の一例.関東リウマチ, 54: 9-11, 2022.


  1. Yoshimi R, Nakajima H: Current state and issues of regenerative medicine for rheumatic diseases. Frontiers in Medicine (Lausanne), 9: 813952, 2022
  2. Yoshimi R, Nakajima H: The treatment of systemic sclerosis-related pericarditis. Internal Medicine, 61: 2997-2998, 2022.
  3. 桐野洋平: 自己免疫・自己炎症性疾患における体細胞変異: VEXAS症候群を中心に. 実験医学, 40(15): 2513-2516, 2022.
  4. 土田奈緒美, 桐野洋平, 吉見竜介: VEXAS症候群と日本人再発性多発軟骨炎におけるUBA1遺伝子バリアント.リウマチ科, 68: 210-219, 2022.
  5. 前田彩花, 桐野洋平: VEXAS症候群. 臨床免疫・アレルギー科, 78(5): 576-581, 2022.
  6. 吉見竜介: SLEの管理に関する新しいAPLARコンセンサスステートメント.リウマチ科, 67: 88-96, 2022.
  7. 吉見竜介: 【フィジカル大全 読んで,見て,聴いて,身体診察を完全マスター】(第7章)膠原病・筋骨格 多発性筋炎,皮膚筋炎,抗ARS抗体症候群.Medicina, 59: 209-212, 2022.
  8. 吉見竜介, 中島秀明: CAR-T細胞療法の全身性エリテマトーデス治療への応用.リウマチ科, 68(4): 455-461, 2022.


  1. 吉見竜介: リウマチ病学テキスト改訂第3版, 単一臓器をおかす血管炎-皮膚に限局した血管炎,中枢神経系血管炎. 南江堂, 292-294, 2022.
  2. 吉見竜介: 関節リウマチ治療実践バイブル改訂第2版, Ⅶケースから学ぶ上手な薬物療法,05 golimumab(GOL)が効果的であったケース. 南江堂, 281-284, 2022.

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